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It takes a certain amount of darkness to see the stars.
In a valley in Telemark, it’s pitch-black five months a year.
Here, tall mountains protect the deep crystal-clear waters.
This is the birthplace of a real seafood superstar.

Focus areas


Hima Seafood

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a sustainable change

The demand for food will grow significantly in the coming decades. Be part of a sustainable solution for feeding the world.

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Focus areas

The Fish

The Hima Trout is a premium seafood product originating from the unique Osland trout strain from Høyanger in the Sognefjord. Sustainably cultivated in continuously recycled pure Norwegian mountain waters, this high-quality trout offers chefs and consumers a superior flavour experience.

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The Water

The groundwater used at Rjukan originates in Telemark’s high-altitude mountain lakes. It is naturally filtered through thick moraines, which is optimal in terms of achieving the best fish taste.

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The Land

The Rjukan valley in Telemark is surrounded by nature and protected by mountains. This is the valley of shadows, where the high mountains hide the sun for up to five months every year, and where a low mist creates a protected environment with its cold embrace.

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The Future

The Hima® Seafood facility is using modern Recycling Aquaculture system (RAS) technology. The RAS technology provided by the RAS specialists EYVI means that large quantities of fish can be produced in a sustainable manner, with low water consumption and regulated waste management.

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Head office:
Dronning Mauds gate 1,
0250 Oslo

Postal address:
Vika kontorfellesskap
Postboks 1846 Vika,
0123 Oslo

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