Press Release

Hima Seafood to use hydrogen trucks transporting feed and fish

Hima Seafood aims for zero-emission transportation for our new aquaculture facility in Rjukan. We have now ensured that the transportation of feed and fish to and from the facility will be done using emission-free hydrogen trucks.

Hima Seafood continually takes new steps to minimize the carbon footprint of our land-based facility. We have now made an agreement for hydrogen-powered trucks to transport fish feed from Stavanger to the Rjukan facility. The same trucks will transport the finished fish products from Rjukan, reducing the use of empty trucks on the roads.

Photo SR Group: Dag Martin Smørdal (SR Group), Helge Hinna (SR Group), Roy Kristensen (SR Group), Gustav Sanne-Gundersen (SR Group), Bjørn Røstad (SR Group) og Anil Reddi (Quantron)

– We are looking forward to the arrival of these new hydrogen trucks at the Rjukan facility. Ensuring zero-emission transportation of feed and fish to and from the facility is in line with Hima Seafood’s green profile, says Sten Falkum, CEO of Hima Seafood.

– We will constantly seek solutions that leave the smallest footprint possible, and we will challenge our subcontractors to adopt the most climate-friendly technology available, says Falkum.

Hima Seafood’s feed supplier, Skretting, has ensured that the feed transported from the Stavanger region to Rjukan will be delivered by hydrogen trucks. The new trucks have been purchased by the transportation company SR Group. As a result of this transport, SR Groups partner will ensure that there are filling stations for green hydrogen to cover the need on this route.

– We are pleased to have partners like Skretting who, like us, are committed to minimizing their climate footprint. When they use a forward-looking logistics operator like SR Group, such an ambitious project is possible. Trucks and buses account for more than 25% of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in the EU. By 2030, 50% of new trucks in Norway should be zero-emission vehicles, and to achieve this, we, as purchasers of logistics and transportation services, must set requirements for our suppliers, concludes Falkum.

The new hydrogen trucks are of the Quantron QHM type, with a range of up to 1500 km. The hydrogen tanks have a capacity of up to 116 kg and are integrated into the chassis of the trucks.


For further information, contact:

Magnus Torp, CIO Hima Seafood